Studying at the University of Gastronomic Sciences

In my first days at the University of Gastronomic Sciences (UNISG) I learned that gastronomy is not just about cooking delicate, appealing food that fits with the expactations of the customers or . Rather they say „Gastronomes are a new type of food professional, those who apprehend the entire food-production web, from agricultural origins through industrial transformation and distribution. With particular attention to environmental and sustainability issues, these leaders understand how to connect food processes to both economic and communication systems, as well as the relationships within food-and-wine tourism, marketing of high-quality products, and promoting of the rich value of regional food traditions.“

And I say: „This is what I want to be!“  and instinctively I’ve been developing to be a gastronome of this definition on my journey for the last several years without defining myself as such. Doing the Master in „Food, Culture and Communications“ at the UNISG is my next step for getting deeper into „The World of Food“ which is connected with everything I can imagine.

What makes the difference for me studying here, refering to my first impressions?

It’s the passion of the people for what they are doing…

… starting from the staff who serves us in the canteen. They prepare every plate with such a dedication I’ve never seen in a University canteen before.

… the professors coming from all over the world and just stand for the subject they are teaching and are interested in the students and their backgrounds sitting infront of them.

… classmates with twenty different life-stories none of them are similar everyone is excited to learn and absorb as much as possible.

… the students organizing wonderful dinners, brunches, EAT-INS and are active in groups to change the system little by little

… the people of the Slow Food network surrounding us giving plenty of oppurtunities to get active and are open minded and hearted.

And in the end it’s the place – Pollenzo, Bra, Piemonte, northen Italy-  with a view on the alps from my balcony.

„Thanks to all the people who support me on this exciting culinary  journey!“